Accursed Shit-Scabbed Hell Cruise Breaks Loose from Dock in Search of More Victims

Avast! Hell cruise Triumph, the Carnival cruise ship that slowly transformed into a shit-encrusted Gulf of Mexico prison two months ago when an engine fire knocked out its electricity and plumbing, has broken loose from the Mobile, Ala. dock where it was imprisoned—searching, no doubt, for new citizens for the shanty towns built on its decks:
News 5 has learned that the Carnival Triumph has broken loose from the port and has drifted across the river.
Tow boats are on the scene working to move the ship back to BAE Ship Systems where it was undergoing repairs.
The ship has sustained some damage. There is a hole on the right side of the stern.
You can bring the Triumph back to the dock—you can chain it to the land—but you can never truly destroy the Triumph—for the shit-scabbed Hell-cruise lives within each of us.