A woman in Taiwan recently divorced her husband, citing irreconcilable differences. Namely, the difference between what she expected his penis size to be, and what it ultimately was.

The couple, identified as Zhang and Zhou, met about five years ago, and dated for five months before deciding to tie the knot.

Zhou, a 55-year-old civil servant, allegedly refused to have sex before marriage, claiming he believed in one of those religions where premarital sex is a sin.

But come their wedding night, Zhang realized she probably should have insisted on trying before buying.

"His penis is so small, like a kid's, only 5cm [2"] long," the 52-year-old told a local paper.

Worse still for Zhang — who says she was promised sex at least three times a week — her new husband was also impotent. "We quarreled the whole night and I asked him to seek treatment," she said.

The two immediately separated, but tried to make it work several times since with little luck. Eventually, Zhang filed for divorce, and Zhou gave up any effort to salvage his marriage.

For his part, Zhou says his erectile dysfunction isn't even medical — it's elective.

"I prefer to have sex in the morning but she wanted it around midnight, by then I would be very tired," he is quoted as saying.

A similar case involving a Taiwanese woman who had filed for divorce over her husband penis size made headlines four years ago.

In that instance, however, the court rejected the woman's request, saying penis size was "very subjective."

[photo via Shutterstock]