Minnesota lawmakers from both sides of the aisle gathered yesterday to announce the introduction of legislation that would make same-sex legal in the North Star State.

A lot of people did a lot of talking in favor of the bill, but no one was more convincing than the 3-year-old son of Minneapolis residents Paul Melchert and James Zimmerman.

Melchert, a pediatrician by trade, spoke out in support of bill, noting that "myriad studies" have concluded time and again that "children raised by same-gender parents fair equally in all areas of emotional, psychosocial, and behavioral adjustment" as those raised by opposite-gender parents.

"It's clear that children's optimal development is influenced more so by the nature of their relationships rather than the particular form that it takes," he added.

Though Melchert made some plainly sound points about the inherent similarities between straight and gay parents, it was his toddler Emmett who brought those points home.

Throughout his dad's spiel, the playful scamp refused to remain still, messing with the microphone, running toy cars through his father's hair, tossing and turning, but, above all, exhibiting self-evident signs of earnest affection for the man who is raising him in a patient, loving home.

The lawmakers have an uphill battle ahead of them, replete with opponents who believe being gay is an "an unhealthy sexual addiction" and an "unscientific lie," but with partners like Melchert and Zimmerman demonstrating to the world what legalizing same-sex marriage truly means — more happy, healthy homes for children — standing against equality while pretending to support families becomes wholly untenable.

[video via Pioneer Press]