Move over "Man Getting Hit By Football" — there's a new Sheriff of groin-strike videos in town, and it stars One Direction's Harry Styles.

During the boy band's concert at Glasgow's SECC Arena last night, an overzealous fan decided to pelt the quintet with a pair of shoes in lieu of a bra.

The first shoe landed harmlessly on stage, prompting Styles to walk over, pick it up, and identify it as a shoe. The second one suddenly came soaring in with pinpoint precision striking the poor lad right in the Misters.

Styles immediately doubled over in pain, unable to speak for several long seconds.

"Well, he has just been assaulted," bandmate Liam Payne could be heard saying as security toughs descend on the audience in search of the crotch assassin.

Looks like Taylor Swift jumped ship just in time: Styles is officially damaged goods.

UPDATE: The Scottish Daily Record has just posted quotes from an interview with Jade Anderson who claims to be the teen who tossed her shoes in Harry's direction. "I just wanted him to touch something belonging to me," she said. "I didn't mean to him him where I hit him, I'm really embarrassed."

[video via YouTube]