Instead of Paying Your Own Rent, Blow $45 on This Fancy Nail Polish Inspired by Girls

Ever since HBO's Girls debuted this past spring, viewers have wracked their brains trying to identify precisely what about it they find slightly irritating and also which shades of nail polish best embody its characters.
Now one of those questions has been answered, thanks to Deborah Lippman's line of Girls-inspired polishes.
If you are a Carrie, buy "HANNAH," a shade the manufacturer describes as "hapless hunter green."
If you are a Samantha, buy "JESSA" – a "bohemian burgundy."
The character Marnie, who, in early drafts of the script literally was just a bottle of nail polish, is represented by a "prim and proper pink" varnish.
Purple is another color nail polish can be and so "SHOSHANNA" is a "virtuous vivid violet," that, in some lights, could be mistaken for a regular violet.
In a statement about the nail polish on the Deborah Lippmann website, Lena Dunham humble bragged that her mom is rich and can afford nice nail polish:
"Deborah Lippmann's colors are irreverent and classy and I've always coveted them (and stolen them from my mother), so who better to embody the GIRLS' spirit in polish form. I've been wearing Hannah like it's going out of style."
The set of four, available now for pre-order if you like to plan things out (classic Marnie! Or Shoshanna?), will retail for $45.