For once, it appears North Korea actually did something right. Several weeks after first announcing their plans, Kim Jong-un et al successfully launched a long range rocket Tuesday evening. Before it crashed into the Pacific ocean east of the Philipines, the North Korean government claims the rocket put a weather satellite into orbit, although neither Japan nor South Korea could immediatly confirm their claim (not that there's any reason not to trust the North Korean government at their word).

What is certain, though, is that the launch didn't go over well with pretty much anyone who isn't North Korea. Almost every other country considers the tests as cover for ballistic missile technology, and reacted as such.

According to the New York Times, Obama is considering "Iran-style sanctions" against the county while US National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor said the the launch was a "highly provocative act that threatens regional security." China also reportedly was angry, expressing "deep concern" about the test, but, as a senior American official put it, "They've told us that before." South Korea held an emergency National Security Council meeting to determine an appropriate reaction, and Japan's U.N. envoy called for a Security Council meeting. Britain also condemned the launch, saying they'll "urgently consult" with other members of the Security Council.

Significant U.N. Sanctions appear unlikely, though, since China, despite disapproving, still has Pyongyang's back.

Regardless of the world's reactions, the launch is a success for The Onion's Sexiest Man Alive, Kim Jong-Un. Not only did he recover from April's shitshow of a failed attempt, it's entirely possible he's now gained the respect of his "hipster" nephew.

UPDATE: It looks like North Korea actually got the satellite into orbit.

[Image via AP]