Last we heard from Glenn Beck, he was dunking Obama dolls in jars full of fake piss, all in the name of art. Well, now he's set his artistic goals even higher; the former Fox News troll is collaborating with Vince Vaughn on a new reality TV project. The show, called "Pursuit of Truth," will set 20 documentary filmmakers against each other for the prize of having their film, which will no doubt be taken seriously, financed and distributed. All nine of the show's episodes will air on Beck's network, The Blaze TV.

The gold-hoarding huckster made the announcement last week on his radio show.

"I am proud to announce that Vince Vaughn and I are going to be the executive producers," he said. "That should make everybody's head spin. ‘What the hell is Vince Vaughn doing with a crazy man?' I know, that's what my friends say. ‘Glenn, what are you doing with the crazy man Vince Vaughn?' Yes. It's great, isn't it? I love it."

Well, the middle part is probably true, Glenn. Why is Vince Vaughn working with Glenn Beck? For starters, Vaughn is something of a conservative, or at least he likes to read their shitty books. Earlier this year, the Wedding Crashers star wrote a blurb for famous hack and Pulitzer Prize self-nominator Jonah Goldberg's The Tyranny of Cliches.

"Everyone says 'think for yourself' but very few people do. In The Tyranny of Clichés, Jonah Goldberg reveals how we've become trapped by ideas we think we understand but don't. A must read."
(-VINCE VAUGHN, actor and producer )

So, mystery solved, sort of. Regardless, we can all agree this show will be awful, right?

[Image via AP]