Back in August, officials at the University of Colorado's Colorado Springs and Boulder campuses announced the creation of a separate dorm for students aged 21 and older with concealed-carry gun permits. So far, exactly zero CU students have elected to move in, according to a university spokesperson.

Students are already allowed to store weapons used for hunting and other "sporting purposes" on campus, provided they notify the campus police. The Residence Hall Contract, according to the CU Housing site, states that

The resident agrees not to bring any weapon or firearm, including any handgun(s) carried in accordance with the Colorado Concealed Carry Act, §18-12-201, et. seq., C.R.S., into any residence hall. With regard to any weapons other than handguns carried in accordance with the Colorado Concealed Carry Act, §18-12-201, et. seq., C.R.S. , University Policies, rules and regulations prohibit weapons and firearms from being brought into any residence hall. Notwithstanding any other language in the Residence Hall Contract, the University may terminate the contract immediately for violation of this provision. Students who obtain a Concealed Carry Permit and wish to carry a handgun in accordance with the permit must notify the executive director or designee and will be released from their Housing & Dining Services Residence Halls Contract without financial penalty.

David Burnett, a representative of Students for Concealed Carry on campus, told the Denver Post that students who met all legal requirements for concealed-carry shouldn't have to move into segregated dorms. "You've proven you're legally, responsibly and morally able to carry, then the college comes back and tells you you've got to move. What would you do?"

The University of Colorado system already prohibits students from carrying weapons in on-campus dorms and during cultural or athletic events. Of course, the number of current students living on-campus with gun permits is fairly small, but it's "possible not everyone who is armed is being forthcoming," according to the same Post article.

Why would some of these students choose to stay in their current living situations? Some of them are undoubtedly too busy clicking their spurs together and shooting multiple revolvers into the air, Yosemite Sam-style, to have heard the news. Others may be buried underneath a pile of commemorative, pearl-handled shooters purchased at the most recent gun show, unable to reach the door. At least two are currently building a recreation of the Fortress of Solitude off-campus in the nearby woods, crafting a sleek, silent Gun Palace where they will never again have to explain to their bemused RAs why they choose to own guns or submit to being corralled into weaponized dorm zones. With cobalt-blue bolt bedframes and state-of-the-art pistol slide door hinges, the Gun Palace is the only choice for the discriminating CU gun owner.

The Gun Palace is slated for completion in Spring 2014. Residents will be selected by lottery.

[Image via Flickr]