Not content with simply stealing a delivery guy's car, a Hartford man decided to make some extra pocket money by finishing up the driver's route.

The driver, who works for the Black Bamboo Chinese restaurant, told police he had left his car idling outside a local school while he ran inside to deliver an order. Upon exiting the school he saw that his car had been stolen, and phoned his manager to let him know that customers would not be getting their food.

But much to his surprise, his employer later called him back to say that at least one customer reported receiving their order on time. "And that's when it clicked to me that somebody was making deliveries with my car at first I thought it was a practical joke then it turned out it was real," the unidentified driver said.

The restaurant gave Hartford police the remaining delivery addresses, and officers were able to catch up with the perp as he was making his next dropoff.

45-year-old Keith Hinds was arrested and charged with larceny as well as a number of drug charges relating to a crack pipe and some marijuana in his possession. He was also found to be carrying anti-psychotic medication in a bag for which he was charged with failure to keep drugs in the original container.

He is currently being held on $5,000; his first court appearance is scheduled for today.

[H/T: Eater, mug shot via Hartford Courant]