Joe Simpson, the father of famous person Jessica Simpson, has joined the ranks of some of America's greatest celebrity pastors by coming out to his family and having his affair with a much younger man revealed by gossip rags. Somewhere on South Beach, George Rekers is quietly applauding.

Last week, Simpson reportedly told his family that he is gay, and today Radar is reporting that Simpson has been embroiled in a year-long affair with a 21-year-old aspiring model (of course) named Bryce Chandler Hill (of course). Chandler Hill, pictured here staring his 15 minutes dead in the face, tweeted late last night that the reports are "simply NOT TRUE."

Simpson has yet to make a statement on the matter, though he hasn't exactly been shy about flirting with his One Direction sex fantasy in the past. Here, via ONTD, are screencaps of two tweets from earlier this year, since deleted.

Radar's anonymous source says that the "desperate to become famous" Chandler Hill has been going around "West Hollywood" bragging about his relationship with Simpson, which actually might support Chandler Hill's side of the story because who really would boast about screwing this guy? Actually, probably the same guy who uses the phrase "Brobie" and likes to dabble in low-level racism.

With any luck, we'll be able to catch up with the two next year on the third season of Couples Therapy.