A 90-minute "rumble" between the Daily Show's Jon Stewart and the O'Reilly Factor's Bill O'Reilly inside an air-conditioned auditorium inside George Washington University brought the two disparate pillars of news talk no closer to consensus — but none of the attendees (who paid as much as $1395 to see black debate white) seemed to mind.

It started with Stewart saying O'Reilly is "full of shit," and ended with O'Reilly saying he now knows "I'm right." In between, the two agreed on a handful of things — the war in Iraq was a mistake, Oprah's a national treasure — and disagreed about everything else.

Many of those who weren't there in person were unable to log in to watch at home, prompting the rumble's organizers to offer a refund to those who no longer wanted to watch.

But those who paid and do still want to watch can do so above — and those who want to watch and didn't pay should still consider doing so, as half of all profits will be donated to a variety of charities.

[video via Savage Nation]