The white shirt Philadelphia officer who was caught on camera sucker-punching a Puerto Rican Parade attendee after she sprayed him with silly string will be suspended for 30 days, after which he will most likely be dismissed.

According to NBC Philadelphia, Lt. Jonathan Josey will be suspended by Direct Action from Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey, which translates to a 30-day suspension "with the intent to dismiss."

The Fraternal Order of Police previously promised to stick by Josey "to the end."

Aida Guzman, the woman Lt. Josey struck, said through her attorney Enrique Latoison that getting the officer fired was not her intention. "We want an apology, we want an official apology, a public apology, instead of a no comment during this process," Latoison told the news station.

Guzman was initially charged with disorderly conduct, but those charges were dropped yesterday.

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[H/T: HyperVocal, screengrab via NBC 10]