7-Eleven, the convenience store mega-chain that's big in Japan, is currently holding its quadrennial "7-Election" coffee cup promotion to determine the likely winner of next month's presidential election.

Though far from exact, the poll — which asks customers to select a red or blue coffee cup based on their candidate of choice — has successfully projected the results of the last three elections.

"While we have never billed 7-Election as scientific or statistically valid, it is astounding just how accurate this simple count-the-cups poll has been — election after election," 7-Eleven president and CEO Joe DePinto told CNN. "We have had a lot of fun with it, and I hope we have encouraged people how important it is to vote in the real election."

The election is still over a month away, but President Obama appears to hold an insurmountable lead over his GOP rival Mitt Romney, outperforming him in all but three states (NH, WV, ID) in which the promotion is being run.

And, if the results hold true as they have in the past, it seems Obama's presidency won't be a cup of coffee.

[screengrabs via 7-Eleven]