Team Breezy continues to be buffeted by gale force winds of legal misfortune: a California judge has just ordered further review of Chris Brown's community service and travel history, to determine whether he violated the terms of his five year probation, established following his 2009 beating of Rihanna.

A particular bone of contention: community service work logs Judge Patricia Schnegg called "somewhat cryptic."

A spreadsheet provided by police indicates that he completed 1,402 hours of service in his home state of Virginia. Brown told the judge he was not required to sign in when he arrived on site.

When Brown wasn't picking up trash or tending to stables alongside the fine people of Richmond, he was back in California, gettin' real high; the judge revealed he tested positive for marijuana during a random drug test back in June. However, since Brown was able to produce a medical marijuana prescription from an acupuncturist (he is afflicted with Wanting to Smoke Marijuana), and since the judge never ordered him not to use drugs, the test results may not negatively affect his probationary review. (Judge Schnegg did caution him that he should "be conscious" of the fact that "a lot of kids" look up to him.)

Virginia authorities also reported that Brown had traveled to Paris without permission – an allegation Schnegg said she would review.

Before heading into court, Brown retweeted a message from former girlfriend/domestic violence recipient Rihanna, who gushed that she was "praying for" him and wishing him "the best."

Rihanna's original tweet, in which @chrisbrown was tagged by name, was subsequently deleted and replaced with this:

The court will reconvene on November 1 to determine the fate of America's hero.

(AP // Image via Getty)