Notable gasbag Newt Gingrich is still making noise, most recently in support of Missouri Senate candidate Todd "legitimate rape" Akin.

When it comes to Todd Akin's campaign, most Republicans — including presidential candidate Mitt Romney — decided it would be best to shut that whole thing down.

But not Newt Gingrich. At a campaign stop in the St. Louis suburb of Kirkwood, Gingrich said that Republicans must support Akin "in good conscience."

If Todd and the people of Missouri prove it's a close race, what's the moral case for not backing the Republican nominee?

Never mind the morals of spouting anti-science, anti-women nonsense that's easily disproven.

Gingrich didn't stop there, however. He used his platform to accuse the White House of lying about the recent Middle East riots. According to Gingrich, Innocence of Muslims had nothing to do with the deaths of four Americans, including U.S. ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.

I think we need to have a President who understands that we are under siege from radical forces. This administration has lied to the American people for over a week. They have refused to tell the truth about Benghazi. They have refused to be open about what happened there. This was a deliberate killing by a deliberate hit team of over 100 people who arrived in two waves. ... Both the [U.N.] ambassador and the White House spokesperson explicitly misled the American people a week ago on Sunday and told us things that were just plain not true. The President as recently as two days ago was still saying things that were false. Nothing in Benghazi related to some stupid movie.

At the very least, Newt Gingrich is right about one thing: that movie looked really stupid.

[Image via AP]