Amanda Bynes has broken up with you, Los Angeles. And that means she doesn't have to deal with your "rules" and "regulations" and suspended license hearings.

Yes, Amanda skipped today's hearing as she is in New York to "launch [her] career." According to an E! News source, the troubled former Nickelodeon star has "moved to New York indefinitely to start her fashion line." Bonus: it's not a driving city.

To be fair, Bynes was not legally required to attend the hearing, but it probably would have helped if she had. Her absence left attorney Richard Hutton on his own to explain that dreadful driving record. And sure, that's his job, but Amanda had been strongly encouraged to attend by the judge.

It would seem like Ms. Bynes would need to be here in court on that day.

Passive-aggressive? A little. But the message is clear: get your ass in court.

The outcome of today's hearing will be revealed in about two weeks. Amanda has another hearing on Thursday for her hit-and-run charges (plural), but she won't be able to make that one either. Sorry, haters.

[Image via Michael Wright/]