A man wanted in Maryland on unspecified sex offenses was arrested in Bluefield, Virginia, after his girlfriend "friended" the local sheriff's office on Facebook.

29-year-old Dyllan Otto Naecker was believed to be holed up inside his girlfriend Samantha Dillow's home in Bluefield. When Major Harold Heatley of the Tazewell County Sheriff's Office noticed that Dillow had "liked" the department's Facebook page, he visited her account, and found a photo of her with the suspect, confirming the theory.

After verifying the man's identity with law enforcement officials in Maryland, deputies were able to locate Dillow's residence using her Facebook page, and went to arrest Naecker. While waiting around for a search warrant, Naecker suddenly came out, and was taken into custody.

"I think he was surprised," Sheriff Brian Hieatt said.

As to why Dillow liked the sheriff's office page to begin with, Hieatt said she was apparently hoping to stay one step ahead of the authorities by receiving regular updates on their search for Naecker.

"Once she ‘liked' our Facebook page, she put everything in motion for us to make the arrest," Hieatt told the Bluefield Daily Telegraph. "She wanted to get updated to see if we were searching for [them]. If she wouldn't have liked us, we might not have located him this quickly."

[photo via Facebook]