Man Phones Police to Complain About Prostitute's Price Gouging

Police in Ann Arbor were called to a man's apartment Wednesday night to settle a dispute between a john and his prostitute.
The unidentified 45-year-old complained to the cops that the 19-year-old Ohio woman whose services he ordered online unexpectedly raised the price after their business transaction was concluded.
Ann Arbor police Lt. Renee Bush told's crime reporter Kyle Feldscher the prostitute had already accepted the man's cash before suddenly demanding more, so he called 911.
Bush said the woman was arrested, but the man was not. Feldscher wasn't told why, but notes that "there's a lot of confusion about the exact legal standard that the man would have had to cross in order to be arrested at the scene."
The case has been turned over to Washtenaw County prosecutors, who Bush believes will find something with which to charge the man.