Shia LaBeouf Landed a Part in Nymphomaniac After Sending Lars von Trier a Sex Tape

Serious method actor Shia LaBeouf is really into realism these days.
He's dropping acid on set, performing unsimulated sex scenes on camera, and sending directors sex tapes to get gigs.
Indeed, LaBeouf told Chelsea Lately host Chelsea Handler he sent Lars von Trier a number of sex tapes starring himself and his girlfriend to land a role in Von Trier's upcoming film Nymphomaniac, which is expected to feature unsimulated sex acts.
"I sent him [von Trier] videotapes of me and my girlfriend having sex and that's how I got the job," the former Disney star said.
It's unclear how willing a participant Karolyn Pho, LaBeouf's significant other, was in his decision to share their bed with Von Trier.
"They've been on the rocks ever since Shia agreed to star in Nymphomaniac," a source told Radar earlier this week. "She wants him to do the film, because Shia was desperate to work with Lars – he's such a hero of his. But Karolyn doesn't want him having sex with somebody else – simple. She's begged Shia to ask Lars if it's possible to make the scenes appear real, rather than shoot them real."