Mountain Dew — excuse me, Mtn Dew — reached out to Internet users for assistance in giving its new green-apple-infused beverage a name by launching a viral contest called "Dub the Dew."

Enter: 4chan.

Happy to help, members of the infamous imageboard descended on the website to contribute suggestions such as "Fapple," "Gushing Granny," and, of course, "Hitler did nothing wrong."

The corporate Powers-That-Be ultimately pulled the plug on the social experiment, but not before the site was hacked to include a fake attribution to 9gag (4chan's mortal enemy), a Rickroll, and a marquee that read "Mtn Dew salutes the Israeli Mossad for demolishing 3 towers on 9/11!"

You can see what the Top 10 leaderboard looked like before "Dub the Dew" was taken offline by clicking here.

UPDATE: The "Dub the Dew" campaign was launched by Villa Fresh Italian Kitchen and not Mountain Dew. In a statement to AdWeek, a Mountain Dew rep said the company was "working diligently with our customer's team to remove all offensive content that was posted and putting measures in place to ensure this doesn't happen again."

[H/T: HyperVocal]