It is harrowing and unsettling that Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day was such a resounding success. Even before the reports, you could feel it via social media boasting.

The Internet is a cesspool of hatred, particularly Twitter — if you are a thinking and feeling person and want to despair over the state humanity, search any trending hashtag alongside the word "gay" or any epithet. Generally, these barbs of animosity feel tossed-off, but there was a unity and organization of Chick-Fil-A sentiment that felt crucial — a very concrete showing of what we're up against. It's not a million little monsters anymore; it's one big monster.

This week, people proudly and tangibly exhibited the staunch belief that damn it, an institution is more important than the quality of actual human lives that could benefit from equality, that the moral thing to do is to side with ideas and not people. We now know how gigantic the wall of wrongheadedness that casts a shadow over society is. And as with Sarah Palin, what's creepy is how palpable the glee is. Furthermore, it's morbidly fascinating to stare into the happy and placid faces of the Twitter avatars of those who tweeted their support of the company. These are faces that in another context would seem trustworthy, friendly, agreeable. Below are 15. Surface-level digging could reveal thousands.

"'@RobyGillespie4: Dear Homos, You eat cock all the time so why not just grow a pair and eat chick fil a #fags #quiers #iamahomophobe' amen!" -@BLHurt

"Couldn't show my support yesterday cause the lines were ridiculous long. But I support Chick-Fil-A" -@MizzTee01

"Chick-fil-a is NOT discriminating against gay people, all they said is that they support traditional marriage!!!" -@lilmisskris_10

"Thrilled to be sitting in a long line at Chick Fil A! Way to show your support CO/SP!" -@breelife

"Drivin by chick fil A while @grant_domain and @NolaanDean were screaming "Fuck the Fags" hahaha fucked up shit" -@Nadaaar5

"I'm glad people went to Chick Fil A to support that anti gay thing cause the fags need to be stopped" -@peytonn_g

"I'm proud of Chick-fil-A for taking a stand against gay marriage." -@SaraBanter

"At work hungry then a bih....somebody bring me some of that Chick-Fil-A....fuck them fags" -@KINGOFMAGICCITY

"I support Chick-Fil-A because they are a values-oriented company that has remained true to their philosophical roots. And darn good chicken" -@stewartcink

"I'm glad chick fil a doesn't support gay marriage. Lol" -@RayTDG_

"The dude from chick fil-a didnt say bad things about gay people or gay marrige, All he said was that he supports traditional marrige." -@ryankenney1

"Just left Chick-fil-a. Thrilled to support such a worthy cause!!!" -@MamawMig

"Thrilled to be out supporting our Chick-Fil-A today! There's got to be 400 people in line ahead of me!" -@Vote4Deanna

"CHICK-FIL-A appreciation day!! I ain't got nothing against fags, but a marriage/a family is between a man and a woman" -@CBRAD6040

"Haha! Gay people, Chick Fil A don"t even like yall asses." -@_jaypierre

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Top photo credit: AP.