It seems half a million people may have made good on their promise to eat at Chick-fil-A yesterday in support of company president Dan Cathy's marriage equality opposition.

Between busing same-sex marriage opponents across states, the lines around the block, and restaurants running out of food, it seems Mike Huckabee's Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day meant payday for the fast-food chain.

In a since deleted tweet saved for posterity by Good As You, megachurch pastor Rick Warren claims Cathy himself reached out to him to say that "#ChickFilA has already set a world record today." And that was with "7 more hrs to go in the West."

Chick-fil-A's executive vice president of marketing Steve Robinson also told CNN the company had a "record-setting day."

Despite the good news for the fried chicken slinger's coffers, the company is making it clear to the media that they had absolutely nothing to do with this impromptu bout of appreciation.

"Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day was not created by Chick-fil-A," the company wrote in a statement. "We appreciate all of our customers and are glad to serve them at any time. Our goal is simple: to provide great food, genuine hospitality and to have a positive influence on all who come into contact with Chick-fil-A."

And, up in New Hampshire, at least one franchisee is looking to live up to that code of conduct by sponsoring a local gay pride festival.

[photo via @KHOU via HyperVocal]