In a shocking development that none but inspiration-for-the-TV-show-Medium Allison DuBois could have predicted, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stars Adrienne Maloof and The Mad Dr. Paul Nassif have decided to separate.

TMZ reported Sunday night that Paul—or, as Adrienne calls him, "Paul" (but in an exasperated voice)—plan to file the official paperwork early this week.

Adrienne confirmed the story to RadarOnline Monday, explaining that her kids should 100% blame themselves for the separation, or, anyway, that it is in their best interest.

"I'm so sorry that this is happening but my children are my life and sometimes we need to do what's best for them. It's an unfortunate situation but, I have to have my kids' best interest at heart."

Adrienne and Paul have been married since 2002. They have three sons: Gavin, Colin, and Christian.

Adrienne and Paul famously filled the roles of Mr. & Mrs. Bickerson on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, constantly arguing, rolling their eyes, and running their hands through their glitter-weave hairdos in frustration whenever the other one would speak. But for all that, they always kind of seemed to, if not enjoy one another's company, at least be resigned to their fate as a couple.

Though neither party in a legal separation can remarry without first obtaining an official divorce, look for Adrienne to suffer through several awkward blind dates for your amusement next season on the show.

No word on who will get custody of the face she and Paul share.

[TMZ // RadarOnline // Image via Getty]