A woman in Sydney who was preparing food for her two daughters unwittingly destroyed $15,000 worth of Australian dollars her husband had placed in the oven for safekeeping.

After selling his Toyota Supra, the man hid his profits in the oven expecting it would be safe from harm since his wife seldom baked. Unfortunately, his plan backfired when his wife decided to heat up some chicken nuggets for their kids, and all the plastic money promptly melted.

"It was everything I had," the unidentified husband told ninemsn. "I've got nothing to my name. That money was supposed to go towards my mortgage."

He attempted to convince the bank to accept the cash as-is, but was turned away. "I was quite insulted. I asked her to send it to the [Reserve Bank of Australia], I told her 'please it's all I got' but she didn't want to," he said.

But all is not lost: After a phone call from ninemsn, the bank had a sudden change of heart and issued an apology, saying it will do whatever it can "within the guidelines" to help recover as much money as possible.

[H/T: MSN Now, photos via Shutterstock, ninemsn]