Looks like Liberty Ross—the latest wife to be burned by Hollywood's casting couch—has pleaded her case where justice matters most: the internet.

On July 23rd, Ross tweeted the "cryptic" Marilyn Monroe quote: "Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." Cryptic because it leaves us wondering: is the "better" option here really making it work with her philandering husband, or moving on to a younger man of her own?

Her next tweet implies the former. The Daily Mail reports that Ross later re-tweeted a Maya Angelou quote saying: 'If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded.'

Next in the case of Liberty Ross vs. Kristen Stewart, Ross (who plays Stewart's mother in the film) came out swinging again on July 24th with a palindrome of epic proportions. Her last tweet before deleting her account was a reaction to US Weekly photos showing the Stewart and Sanders canoodling. Her response: "Wow."

Rupert Sanders (who likes ‘em young, he met Ross when she was only 17) said previously that the couple enjoyed a "free" relationship, but qualified: "not sexually free, we weren't swinging or having other relationships … I hope! – but we both lived very independent lives, then we'd meet up. It kept the fire burning."

Both Stewart and Sanders have released formal apologies, so you know this mess isn't going to clean up easily. Ross' latest dig at The Huntsman starlett? An instagram photo of a less-than-pristine looking Snow White with the caption: "Not so pretty or so pure afterall ....." Burn.

[Image via Getty]