Everyone loves boobs because they feed us when we're babies and they kind of feel like a water balloon filled with chocolate pudding, which makes them pleasant to jiggle and hold.

Men don't really have them. Most women have two.

One woman from Toronto became instantly famous about a week and a half ago after The Magic of Cinema made it appear that she had three at Comicon.

Kaitlyn Leeb will appear in a bit part as a hooker with three breasts in the upcoming Total Recall remake.

Now, jaded by fame, Leeb wants people to stop treating her like the three-boobed mutant prostitute she portrayed and start treating her like the two-boobed mutant prostitute she is.

Just kidding. She's not a prostitute. She's a 24-year-old York psychology grad turned actress, according to the Toronto Star. Previous roles include that of a veterinary assistant named Cassandra.

While still very honored to have portrayed a three-boobed prostitute in an uncredited role she describes as "super-iconic," Leeb is already growing exasperated with the inane questions she's begun receiving about her girls.

It seems people are asking this lovely young woman if she really does have three boobs. If one of the boobs was added surgically, making her a sexy Frankenstein. If at least 2/3 of the boobs are really hers.

"It bugged me that people thought I was walking around Comic Con with my breasts hanging out. They're not mine."

For the record, all three of the breasts are part of a custom-built prosthetic that takes up to five hours to apply.

Despite the dopey questions, the former amateur figure skater says "It's cool to be in this situation," this situation being one in which strangers continually grill her about the real-ness of her boobs.

If I had three boobs (all non-prosthetic), I would experiment with wearing two string bikini tops at once.

What would you do?

[Toronto Star // Images via Splash and Jessica Biel]