After Elle Zober's husband of 10 years left her for his mistress, a "22 year old college student who likes yoga," she didn't get mad — she put their Beaverton, Oregon house up for sale and posted a sign on the front yard informing potential buyers of her husband's affair.

"Husband left us for a 22 year old," reads the For Sale sign. "House for sale by scorned, slightly bitter, newly single owner." In fine print, Zober added a caveat: "Adulterers need not apply."

Speaking with Portland-based Fox affiliate KPTV, Zober says she and her husband were swiftly divorced after she learned a few months back that he had been seeing another woman. "No one was more shocked than me!" she said. "I did not see it coming."

The two share two young kids, a boy and a girl.

Asked about the motivation to make her private family matter public, Zober said she believes in truth in advertising. "I want people to know it was a family home," she said. "It was well-loved and it was well taken care of. I want another family who will love it and care for it to move in."

For what it's worth, Zober's ex-husband knows about his ex-wife's sales tactic, approves of it, and even helped her buy the sign. "As long as it sells the house, we're good," she told Fox 12 News. "Neither of us wants the house to end up in foreclosure."

[H/T: The Sideshow, Neatorama, photo via Great Family Home]