A Wisconsin woman was arrested Monday and charged with disorderly conduct-domestic abuse for attacking her husband over his collection of old Onion issues.

56-year-old Lynne M. Rasbornik of Menomonee Falls reportedly went berserk after finding several copies of the satirical paper stashed in the trunk of the man's car. According to the victim, his wife deems The Onion "pornography" — a classification that has put them at odds in the past.

The Menomonee Falls Patch reports:

The victim was able to get Rasbornik to the ground, then he wanted to leave, so he let her go and went to get his son's guitar that he was going to borrow. Rasbornik then grabbed a vase and tried to throw it at her husband, but he was able to grab her arms and stop her.

Rasbornik began to flail her arms and scream before running out of the house to the victim's car and take his cell phone, a notebook with his driver's license and credit card inside, a Starbucks gift card and his handicapped placard.

Police say the woman repeatedly scratched and poking at minor injuries in order to make them more significant. She was ordered to stop, but "continued to scratch and twist her arms" during the booking process.

[H/T: ShortFormBlog]