Madagascar 3 Continues to Lead the Pack

For the second weekend in a row, Madagascar 3 was the biggest box office earner, taking in $35.5 million.
And Prometheus is still holding on to second place, at $20.2 million. So what happened to all the new movies?
Well, they kind of sucked. Rock of Ages was expected to draw about $25 million and only ended up earning $15.1 million. While the film is being billed as a musical for everyone, most critics agreed it was better suited to no one.
At least Rock of Ages made it to third place. Fourth was reserved for Snow White and the Huntsman, a movie that's been out for weeks. Which means, yes, Adam Sandler's latest flop That's My Boy debuted in fifth place, earned $13 million. Reviews for the new comedy make Rock of Ages sound like high art.
It will be interesting to see which of these movies gets the most Father's Day attention. That's My Boy is the most dad-themed of the bunch, but who wants to subject his or her father to that? And while Rock of Ages would love to be thought of as a dad musical, it's got more camp appeal than anything else. (Hello, shirtless rock star Tom Cruise.)
My guess is that Madagascar 3 will draw even higher numbers with family Father's Day outings. These are the sacrifices dads make.
[Image via AP/Dreamworks Animation]