Speaking with Rolling Stone magazine for the first time since the infamous 2010 interview that spurred his two-year hiatus, John Mayer says he felt "really humiliated" and "terrible" upon hearing the Taylor Swift's "Dear John" — a song reportedly written about their break-up.

"Because I didn't deserve it," Mayer says. "I'm pretty good at taking accountability now, and I never did anything to deserve that. It was a really lousy thing for her to do."

In "Dear John," Swift blasts Mayer for the way he treated her during their brief love affair. "Don't you think 19 is too young to be played by your dark twisted games, when I loved you so?" the now-22-year-old pop star bemoans in the 2010 tune.

Mayer claims he had no idea Swift felt this way before he heard the song.

"I never got an e-mail. I never got a phone call," he told the publication. "I was really caught off-guard, and it really humiliated me at a time when I'd already been dressed down. I mean, how would you feel if, at the lowest you've ever been, someone kicked you even lower?"

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