In an interview with People magazine to promote the upcoming release of her gardening book, American Grown, Michelle Obama took a brief detour to discuss the intimate details of a nighttime ritual she shares with the President.

"We have a ritual where he tucks me in, because I'm usually in bed before anybody," the First Lady says. "He'll come and turn the lights out and give me a kiss, and we'll talk. He's like, Ready to be tucked? I'm like, Yes I am.'"

Ms. Obama also brought up Mr. Obama's love affair with extemporaneous singing. Apparently one of his go-to tunes is LMFAO's "Sexy and I Know It."

"He loves it in the shower in the morning, sings to the kids," she told the publication. "But it's not a song. He'll sing one line of something romantic or cute. Oh yes."

[H/T: Wonkette, photo via AP]