Remember that book Fucking James Franco? Its editor Sean Joseph Patrick Carney sent in the following video of James Franco screen printing a version of the book cover. Franco giggles in it, and it's actually kind of endearing — also to be expected, since James Franco is screen printing the words "Fucking James Franco." Maybe he's got a good sense of humor about being (and having sex with) James Franco after all. James Franco.

James Franco on WhoSay

Weirdly enough, Franco was less enthused about the Fucking James Franco project earlier this month.

There's this group of I guess art students or something in Oregon that have just put out this book called Fucking James Franco — and to me it feels like they're pretending to be critical of this public persona that's called James Franco but they're also using it to serve themselves.

Looks like they're serving you, too, buddy. Now get back to screen printing.

[Image via Arnold Wells/]