Kyle Anderson, Marie Claire's accessories director and Sex and the City caricature come to life, pens a Monday morning column for fashion blog, Daily Front Row. What I Bought! is a cheeky little column that carefully chronicles all the things that Kyle buys while gallivanting around town in a single weekend. Items range from $5 coffees from Starbucks to $185 keychains to $785 trinkets from Prada. The yooj.

As of February 6, after three surreal months of dropping by "Barney's with my model friend" and subsisting on nothing but foamy chai lattes, Anderson has rung up a bill totaling $43,927.43. The equivalent of, I don't know, a year in college. Or more than the salary of any entry-level position at Marie Claire. But hey, what can you expect? You can't put a price on being faboolus.

Here is a list of some of Kyle's recent purchases. And just for fun, you'll find some of my own wishful purchases sprinkled in:

  • Coffee at Starbucks, $2.75
  • Prada Jeweled Golf Shoes: $1,424.25
  • Dinner at The Modern: $400
  • Coffee at Starbucks: $9.50
  • Mochi: $10
  • Red sateen colonic: $240
  • R+Y AUGOUST chair, made entirely of shells: $4,500
  • Sea Urchin and wheat grass "Roe Is Me" shot: $9
  • Dinner, drinks at Dream: $507.50
  • Coffee at Starbucks: $4.50
  • Givenchy for Chiclets pack of gum: $52
  • Hublot "Liberty Bang" watch: $12,956.13
  • Facial Complexion Analysis using Visia Technology: $250
  • Coffee at Starbucks: $100

[Image via Billy Farrell]