Today is the national launch of Taco Bell's newest bit of God-defying food sodomy, the "Doritos Locos Taco." The inside is your standard Taco Bell Taco; the outside, a hard taco-shaped Dorito. I had some today — to assist Gizmodo's Sam Biddle for his review — and now I'm going to give you the lowdown.

Here's everything you need to know about the Doritos Locos Taco:

  • It's a Taco Bell taco inside a Dorito.
  • You can buy it at Taco Bell (suggested retail price: $1.29).
  • It comes inside a cardboard sleeve to prevent cheese dust from getting all over your fingers.
  • It tastes like sour cream with a sprinkling of dorito flavoring.
  • It's fucking gross.
  • It makes you feel like a beanbag chair filled with vomit.
  • I ate four.
  • I wish I was dead.

For more coverage of the Doritos Locos taco, check out Gizmodo's exhaustive review.