Yesterday we marveled at a photograph of a goat with a red fanny pack around its neck, standing on its hind legs at a Midtown pizzeria, dining with two humans. We decided to call it The Amazing Pizza Goat of New York, but we knew nothing more.

But now the fine folks at Daily Intel have solved the mystery: Turns out the goat is named Cocoa and her owner is named Cyrus. They are from Summit, New Jersey, where Cocoa is a "little celebrity." Cyrus owned three goats before Cocoa, all of which he keeps as pets. Cyrus and Cocoa regularly visit New York, where Cocoa was once in the background of a Good Morning America broadcast.

At left, a video of Cyrus and Cocoa strolling through Times Square in September. "You're not going to eat her, right?" a female voice asks off-camera. "No," Cyrus replies. [Daily Intel, Previously, image via @ReporterLeslie]