Princeton Students, Rest Easy: Your Classmate's Elven Weapon Was Returned with Runic Note

Yesterday, we brought you part one of the Saga of the Princeton Student's Eleven Weapon Which Was Stolen from Wawa at 2 A.M. Today, we bring you its bittersweet conclusion, thanks to Princeton student Dan Mossing:
Greetings, Max.
Thanks, perhaps in part, to your obliging efforts, we received the attached note outside our door this evening. Translated, it reads "I'm very sorry about your bow and arrows, but they have been hulk smashed." The post-it note says: "coupon for one tree branch" ( from which of course the bow was crafted). The string taped to the paper is from the bow.
The arm of Sauron reaches far, indeed. Classic orcs.
With the gratitude of all the many elves and hobbits of Princeton,
Dan Mossing
Forbes College
Well met, Dan.