
Class War: Yale Edition

Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/16 09:13AM

Yale University is sitting on an endowment worth $25.6 billion. The state of Connecticut, on the other hand, is pretty broke. Now, Connecticut wants to tax Yale’s endowment. This could be more revolutionary than it sounds.

"Fuck Forever" Shirt Throws Yale Club Into Mannered Turmoil 

Hamilton Nolan · 06/17/15 08:43AM

You oafish hillbillies who spend your time reading Gawker.com may not realize this, but respectable people who went to respectable schools like Yale have their very own high class private clubs in Manhattan. Do not sully them with your tasteless “novelty” t-shirts!

Ivy League Admissions Are a Sham: Confessions of a Harvard Gatekeeper

Anonymous · 03/18/15 01:25PM

I graduated from Harvard in 2006, and have spent eight of the last nine years working as an admissions officer for my alma mater. A low-level volunteer, sure, but an official one all the same. I served as one of thousands of alumni volunteers around the world—a Regional Representative for my local Schools Committee, if you want to get technical. And, as a Regional Rep, my duties fell somewhere between Harvard recruiter and Harvard gatekeeper.

Harvard Professors Now Officially Prohibited from Banging Undergrads

Jay Hathaway · 02/05/15 11:05AM

Harvard professors are no longer allowed to engage in "sexual or romantic relationships" with undergraduates or with grad students under their direct supervision, Bloomberg reports. Previously, student-teacher relationships were frowned upon, but only officially prohibited when the student was in the professor's class.

Rich Colleges Get Richer and Richer

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/15 11:52AM

The 1%-vs-99% inequality dynamic that plagues America's economy as a whole extends to the world of higher education. And the richest universities in America had a great year last year.

Hamilton Nolan · 01/05/15 03:47PM

Everybody likes to troll Harvard, even the New York Times.

Hamilton Nolan · 09/24/14 10:09AM

Harvard's endowment grew 15.4% last year and now stands at $36.4 billion. Harvard remains very rich. If you give money to Harvard rather than to a better charity, you are an asshole.

Hamilton Nolan · 06/18/14 04:28PM

After posting "years of subpar results," three of Harvard University's top money managers are leaving. Despite "years of subpar results" from top money managers, Harvard University is still rich as hell.

Yale Student Says University Forced Her to Gain Weight

Jay Hathaway · 04/08/14 03:46PM

A 92-pound Yale history major says the university's health center told her she needed to gain weight or take a leave of absence from school. She's spent the past 6 months trying to put on pounds for her weekly weigh-ins.

Shit-Stained Shirts Strung Up Around Yale, Poop Crisis Escalates

J.K. Trotter · 10/04/13 11:17AM

Perhaps unsatisfied with ruining Yale students’ clothing by peeing and pooping in unattended dryers, an unidentified individual spent Thursday night hanging several articles of poop-smeared clothing on a clothesline near Berkeley College, another of Yale’s residential colleges. (The original poop-related incidents took place at Saybrook College.) They don’t sing “Bright College Years” for nothing!

Who’s Pooping in Yale’s Laundry Rooms?

J.K. Trotter · 10/03/13 12:08PM

Yale University, a squirrel-less arrangement of faux-ancient stone buildings in southwestern Connecticut, has a major pooping problem. Since the beginning of September, someone—almost certainly a Yale student—has placed human feces, urine, and/or food in running dryers installed in Saybrook College, one of the university’s residential colleges. Now Yale’s own police force is hunting down the pooper.