A few weeks back, I posted a video of a large loitering group of Saint Bernard dogs. That day Louise, a nice lady in Oregon, saw the story, and thought it meant that she could buy a Saint Bernard puppy from me.

She sent me an email with the subject "Your Beautiful Saint Bernards":

I have been searching for another Saint Bernard for almost a year. When I lived in Arizona I raised Saints for many years, but when I moved to Oregon I couldn't bring them with me. Two years after moving to Oregon one of my students gave me a Saint named Kegger. I was lucky to have him for nine years. I miss him so much. He was a great comfort to me when my Mother was sick and died.

Louise was "heartbroken" over Kegger's death. "Do you have puppies and are they for sale?" she asked, and added, "If I can swing it, I may be interested in buying two."

Sadly, I do not breed Saint Bernard puppies in my spare time. I wrote back to explain the situation, and directed her to the breeders in British Columbia who had posted the video. I thought that was the last I'd hear from lovely Louise.

But Louise had exciting news today:

Hello Emma:

We just got back from NY with our new St. Bernard puppy. We are having a difficult time finding a name for him. Can you help us? He is a pure breed with akc papers. We like the name Sir William but need a nick name?? Help?? Thanks for your suggestions!

I am honored, but I have no idea what to tell her. Bernie? Bernice? Bern-Dogg? I AM TERRIBLE AT THIS. What should she name Louise's puppy?

Update: Thank you for your wonderful suggestions. I've sent them all (250-plus!) to Louise and I'll let you know what they decide to do when I hear back.

[Image via Shutterstock]