Arianna Huffington, internet media mogul and legendary pooper, has "good news." She's launching a new Huffington Post vertical, called "HuffPost Good News":

I'm delighted to announce the launch of HuffPost Good News, a new section that will shine a much-needed spotlight on what's inspiring, what's positive, what's working—and what's missing from what most of the media chooses to cover.

Lady, you run one of the largest news portals on the planet. What you cover is what most of the media covers. Anyway, back to the Good News:

Everywhere around the country, people and communities are doing amazing things, overcoming great odds, and facing real challenges with perseverance, creativity and grace. But these stories are rarely told online, in newspapers, and on TV (especially if you live in a primary state being bombarded with negative attack ads).

In the spirit of Good News (which "will be tapping into good news everywhere through partnerships with GOOD magazine, Daily Good, Ode magazine, Gimundo and The Daily Love") let's focus on the Good part of this: More adorable piglets and puppies, plus some inspiring people whose lives will soon be depicted in Oscar-bait feature films starring actresses from the HuffPost Nipple News page.

Keep on keeping on, Fartianna. Inspiration to multi-tasking bowel-movers everywhere. RELATED STORIES: Inspiring Shits That Changed the World (SEE GALLERY) [Huffington Post, image via Getty]