If there's one thing I think that most of us can agree on, it's that the internet can never have too few images of children frolicking in the surf as a naked man lingers ominously in the background. Right? That's just a given. Apparently the memo had not swung around to the marketing team of La Redoute, however, which happens to be the most popular mail order company in France. They posted the above image to their website today, apparently unaware of the offending dong terrorizing thousands of parents just looking for a good deal on swim trunks for their kids.

The gaffe quickly grew into a Twitter sensation and meme, with the requisite Pedobear appearances and the free-balling photo-bomber replicating himself in various Photoshop situations. (By the way, there's really nothing more beautiful than internet mockery expressed in the language of love.) La Redoute posted a Facebook apology ("La Redoute apologizes for the photo published on its site and is taking steps to remove it...We will strengthen the validation process of all brand communications for this cannot happen again in the future.").

As for the identity of the naked man, that remains a mystery. Let's hope it stays that way. [Copyranter, Photo via LaRedoute.fr]