Steve Jobs could fairly be remembered as either a madman or as a business deity. If this seven-foot-tall, 485-pound bronze statue out of Hungary is any indication, he'll be worshipped as the latter rather than mocked as the former.

Gabor Bojar, founder of Hungarian architectural software company Graphisoft, commissioned the statue from scultptur Erno Toth, the Associated Press reports. He wanted to honor the' financial and moral support Jobs extended to Graphisoft after meeting Bojar at a 1984 trade show in Germany.

The rendering of Jobs and his trademark jeans, turtleneck, and sneakers will rise above the Budapest business complex where Graphisoft is headquarter once Toth puts on the finishing touches. "His memorial plaque will be in the shape of the iPad," Toth told the AP. "I liked his personality, and at the same time his temperament." Wow - someone who liked Steve Jobs's temperament, of all things. Does this statue include a cowering, sobbing underling, then? Find out at the unveiling, December 21st!

[via SF Weekly]