The Smoking Gun has gotten its paws on Newt Gingrich's Washington Speakers Bureau contract, replete with all of his pampered demands. For each speaking gig, he wants a nice hotel, first class plane ticket, check for $50,750 — the usual. But there's one item that stands out as appropriately idiosyncratic: His demand for two bathrooms, in a one-bedroom suite. This is his most profound idea yet.

Gingrich would travel with an aide, according to this January 2010 contract, and the two would demand these accomodations: "Mr Gingrich requires a non-smoking one-bedroom suite (preferably with two bathrooms) and an additional non-smoking single room (located nearby the suite, but not attached) for his aide."

The second bathroom in the one-bedroom suite is probably for when wife Callista joins him on the road. It would still be superfluous, sure, but you can understand where Callista would be coming from. Who wants to go into the bathroom right after Newt Gingrich has dropped a bomb, poop-wise? Ick, yeesh. Gahh. Maybe even throw in a third bathroom if it's a two-day stay.

[Image via AP]