Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. was the beloved Republican sheriff of Arapahoe County, Colo., for nearly 20 years before he retired in 2002. In 2001, he was named national Sheriff of the Year. Yesterday he was arrested by the department he used to run for offering a man meth in exchange for sex.

Happens to the best of them! The details sound suspiciously like another prominent Colorado Republican who had a secret gay meth-life: Ted Haggard. From the New York Times:

Sheriff Robinson said the police had begun an investigation into Mr. Sullivan's activities on Nov. 17 after several individuals alerted the authorities that he might be involved with methamphetamines.

The investigation led the police to a home on Tuesday where they say Mr. Sullivan agreed to provide drugs to a longtime, adult male associate, in exchange for sex. He was taken into custody without incident, Sheriff Robinson said.

According to a probable cause statement filed in court on Wednesday morning, two confidential informants told police they had engaged in sexual activity with Mr. Sullivan before, in exchange for methamphetamines or cash.

It's not clear whether Sullivan's love of meth-sex may have predated his retirement. He was booked into that Arapahoe County Jail, which also goes by the name Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. Detention Facility.

[Images via AP, Shutterstock]