Justin Bieber and President Obama descend simultaneously on Manhattan tonight, for the second time in six moths. Coincidence… or conspiracy? Seriously: Has anyone ever seen Justin Bieber and Obama in the same room together?

One of them will be singing at the Rockefeller Christmas tree lighting with Michael Buble, and the other will be holding a series of fundraisers. (We're not going to tell you which.) This past June, Bieber and Obama clogged up traffic with dueling visits when Bieber was unveiling his line of perfume, and Obama was attending fundraisers.

What's with the strange Obama-Bieber confluences? Last month, Obama told fans that he knows Justin Bieber—"very nice young man." And although he brushed off a young Australian's suggestion that he "team up" with the Biebs, maybe his continued decline in polls made him reconsider?

Perhaps this evening at a secret milkshake summit at the Plaza , Obama will make his proposal: "Justin Bieber," he'll say, "I know we have our differences. You're pro-life; I'm support a woman's right to choose. You're down with Ludacris—I'm more of a Jay-Z guy. But, listen, I believe we can put aside those small things to work for a better country. You're cuter, smarter and a better singer than Biden: Will you be my running mate in the 2012 election?"

[DNAInfo, images via AP and Getty]