[There was a video here]

Who says only dirty hippies show up to the Occupy Everywhere protests? Why, down in Houston, they had a guy dressed in "business casual"! Of course, he was firing a rifle into the air, and was shot in the ankle by police officers. But, c'mon: it's Texas.

Details are still sketchy on the shooting, which occurred near Occupy Houston's City Hall encampment, but no one appears to have been injured save the gunman, who's alive and being treated in the hospital. According to Houston police, the guy was firing his rifle into the air and a fountain across the street from City Hall. Two police officers engaged him and shot him in the ankle. (Kyle Nielsen, who's all over this on Twitter, writes that one witness says the man shot himself in the head.)

It's unclear how the gentleman was connected with the protest, if he was at all—some reports have him shouting "Occupy Houston"—in any event, none of the occupiers seem to have recognized him, and police "don't believe [he] has any connection" to the occupation, so it's probably inaccurate to call him an "Occupy Houston protester." Not that it will stop conservatives on Twitter from describing him as such!

[Kyle Nielsen, KTRK-TV, KHOU-TV]