Unless you're into the tonsured monk look, you should probably avoid pissing off Gabriela Nunez—a 19-year-old bouffant-ed brawler from Las Cruces, New Mexico who allegedly ripped the scalp off another woman during a particularly intense fight. She must have one hell of a hand-gripper exercise regimen.

According to the Las Cruces Sun-News, Nunez her "former friend" were at a party when they started arguing about some crazy thing, you know how women are. When the victim tried to flee, Nunez allegedly hit her and then pulled on her hair so hard that her scalp peeled right off, as though her head were the juicy orange your mom packed in your lunchbox today. Now Nunez faces a felony charge.

Friends don't scalp friends during fights. It's poor form.

[Sun-News, Hispanically Speaking News]