Remember Anna Chapman? The sexy Russian spy who won America's heart last fall by, well, just being a sexy Russian spy? The FBI has released some hot new UNCENSORED surveillance video and pics from their decade-long investigation into her and her colleagues.

Alas, there are no night-vision secret spy orgies among the material the FBI just released under the Freedom of Information Act. There's a video of Anna meeting an undercover FBI agent in a Starbucks, wearing some wraparounds, and a disorienting multi-screen video of Anna and a Russian government official meeting in a department store.

More interesting is the video of Anna's fellow Russian spy digging up a secret package from a dead drop, and not-so-casually handing off a bag to a Russian embassy official in a lonely stairwell.

Watching these videos must bring a tear to the eye of the FBI agents involved in the ten-year-long operation that ended in the dismantling of Anna and her 9 colleagues' strangely ineffectual spy ring. Like watching home movies of your kid in a grade school musical. I wonder if the FBI is a little disappointed in Anna's career trajectory since then: Appearing in Playboy, filming not-so-funny parodies of her glory days.