Kevin Strahle is a self-proclaimed rich person, "meathead," "YouTube inspirational public figure," and resident of New Jersey. He is an amateur competitive eater, with a handful of meat-eating victories in the suburbs.

Last night, Strahle responded to Occupy Wall Street by purchasing a $260 bottle of Cristal (on sale for $199.99) and drinking it in under a minute:

People can OCCUPY WALL STREET but I OCCUPY $260 bottles of CRISTAL CHAMPAGNE because I can afford to piss away my money

The result is a belabored feat of drawn-out burps and chest-heaving gasps. Does it count as "chugging" if you take a breather in the middle? This guy is the human equivalent of faux-marble linoleum on the walls of Teresa Giudice's house. [@KevLAbeast, YouTube]