Given that Occupy Wall Street's HQ has turned into a revolutionary sex-fest that would make Caligula blush (h/t Smiths), you might be worried that protesters will reproduce awful things like sexually transmitted diseases and tiny socialist babies. To help you rest better—and to make a little money—the Condomania condom store has begun selling protest-themed protective devices.

Condomania's sales copy/manifesto:

Whether or not you agree with the "demands" of the Occupy Wall Street movement that is sweeping the U.S., one thing is for sure; lots of people out there are tired of feeling screwed. Occupy Condoms say it all in a neat little package while affording young protestors the protection they need to stay safe in the passionate frenzy that is social protest.

Occupy Condoms are sold at a 70% discount to demonstrate our support for social change and the virtuous pursuit of equality for all. Mostly, we didn't think it cool to be capitalizing quite so blatantly on a protest movement that itself is concerned about unscrupulous profiteering. So, we'll just hope for some good buzz and a small amount of unscrupulous profits.

Now they need to come up with some sort of prophylactic to address the poop onslaught.
