The Frys.Com Open, by far the most prestigious of all electronics-retailer-website-sponsored golf tournaments, was thrown into chaos today when a deranged fan, armed with a hot dog in a bun, sprinted towards Tiger Woods on the seventh green.

Here's how Woods, who was preparing for a birdie putt at the time, recalls it:

"Some guy just came running on the green, and he had a hot dog, and evidently … I don't know how he tried to throw it, but I was kind of focusing on my putt when he started yelling."

The 31-year-old, frankfurter-wielding assailant managed to launch the meat as far as the putting surface (the lighter and less aerodynamic bun barely reached the green), when he was arrested by Santa Clara sheriff's deputies. Police described him as "very cooperative" during his arrest, though unforthcoming with any motive.

"He just shook his head in guilt or remorse. He didn't give a reason why he did it." [...]

Dan Diggins, head of security for tournament sponsor Frys Electronics, said the man would be arrested for "everything" and described him as "just an idiot."

Woods, who has reached a level of deep inner-peace in his life — at least where matters of projectile wieners with his name on them are concerned — remained calm throughout the ordeal, but missed his 18-foot putt. [, photo via Getty]